Thursday, November 12, 2020

Blogger, You have been invited to BizConnect 🎉🎉

Hi Blogger,

We would like to introduce BizConnect Business Card Reader to you and we genuinely believe that it will assist you by decluttering, digitizing and organizing your business cards.

We ensure 100% accurate transcription, easy export to Excel / Outlook / Google, task and activity management and team collaboration. Also, you can sync your contacts with SalesForce and HubSpot.




Download the app now and let us know how we can improve it further.

We would love to hear from you!!

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Random Thoughts

I am just taking my heart out, in those pointless words, so this post is absolutely meaningless!

This is for never trying hard enough, for always believing you give more, for never knowing how you treat people, ford always being uptight
This is for everyone who ask people for more than they can give, this is for people including myself who shoulde sure to treat people the way they wish they are treated.

Why would people be so drifted from each other? Should close people like best friends, mother and daughter and even married people, be able to feel each others sorrows, pain and always be by their side during their rough patches! Or deveryone should be absolutely by his own, solving his own problems, taking care of themselves and even hug themselves in the need of care.

If this is how life would be then, there would actually be no use of living it! I mean if people aren't considerate of each others feeling, how can they claim they are close in the first place!

Twitter: @NehalHesham
Linkedin: NehalHesham

Friday, March 16, 2012

Twitter Scrabble Competition

Check out my new Social Media Blog and Check the new Twitter Scrabble Campaign and Tell me what do you think about it