Saturday, December 25, 2010

The New Cadbury Ad| Case Analysis Based on a Personal Exprience

Couple of weeks ago I was exposed to one of Cadbury's TV Cs  in Egypt (Which you can watch in the video bellow) . I liked the Ad once I saw it, but with no idea why. I figured out how brilliant this Ad was, when I want to the Super Market to buy chocolate, and unintentionally the bold purple color of Cadbury attracted me, and I ended up by buying a Cadbury bar. When I am buying chocolate my number one choice was always Galaxy, Cadbury was never on my "Evoked Set" I never bought it before! 

After going home I ate the chocolate, and still I didn't realize what kind of chocolate I bought and why. After eating the chocolate I decided not throw the "Empty Pack" and I kept it beside me without knowing why. Two hours later I had dinner , watched TV, worked and then I found the "Empty Pack" beside me. I asked my self "Why did I keep an empty pack, why didn't I throw it, and why did i buy Cadbury in the first place?". here was when I realized that the Cadbury Ad is brilliant!

 What did Cadbury want to do? Cadbury was advertising for a new promotional contest  suggesting that people have to keep the "Empty Packs" of Cadbury and look at the serial number and monitor the winning numbers in the NP in order to win.

How Could they deliver that to the audience? The Ad was all in purple,  and the constant message throughout the ad was "Ma7desh yermi el 3'olaf" or "Don't Throw the Pack". The atmosphere of the ad was alerting due to their usage of the "Police Siren" & The Huge microphones and the newspaper flashes. It wasn't only that they depended on alerting the audience by repeating the message  but they also portrayed different types of consumers, collecting the empty wraps in a funny and appealing way. That mentioned portrayal , succeeded in two things: 1.  Connected the audience with the different types of consumer that delivered the message, 2. showed the importance of keeping the "Empty Pack" by portraying people who keep the packs in a jewelry case, or hide them in a book, or in a safe.   

Concluding the message, the ad ended by a VO asking the audience to keep the empty pack in order to win I pods, Blackberrys and Mini Coopers. 

Connecting the Ad to real life,  using the purple color through the whole ad was embedded in the back mind of the audience, and that was what attracted me and made me notice Cadbury in the first place and made it part of my "Evoked Set". The fact that I was alerted by not throwing the pack, caused in the unintentional behavior of me keeping the cover without knowing why, and that was what Cadbury wanted to do "Alert the Consumer" 

Message Delivered,  as a consumer I bought Cadbury and I am sure a lot of people did too, and I kept the empty pack. My behavior was exactly what Cadbury was looking for, so Cadbury message is delivered, and in fact now I buy Cadbury every day, and I believe that I will never buy Galaxy again, because I am satisfied with the taste of  the chocolate and the, color of the pack as well! 

Friday, December 24, 2010

Vote for Me

I have enrolled in Montereal Internationale Summer School Contest
If you believe I deserve a chance to win Please vote for me!
Just Click on the Link Below!

Profile of Nehal Hesham :: La Joie de Montréal - International Summer School Contest