Wednesday, February 9, 2011

صوت الميدان

سمعت صوت الميدان قلبي اتنفض
المصري أهو يا ولاد واقف زي الأسد

صوت الميدان مسموع و طالع في العالي
مليان شجن و دموع على شهيد غالي

و الله عليكي يا بلد جامدة و قويه
شبابك ضحوا عشان كرامة و حرية

لمسوا قلب المصري إلي ماشي جنب الحيط
صوته اتنبح في قول  اتمرمت و اتهديت

بيكو رجعله صوته و كرامته من تاني
ده الحرية غالية يا ولاد ماترجعش في ثواني

شباب عرف الصمود و الحب و الإصرار
عزيمته و قوته هيخلقوا  استقرار

 صوتكم يا أغلى  شباب خبط على كل باب
عدى بحور و تلال و غزى كل البلاد 

شباب مضطهد مغمور وصل حلمه للنور
رفض ظلم النظام و أتحرر زي العصفور

صوتنا هيشرف ولدنا و يرجع تاني امجادنا
رجعنا حريتنا و شرفنا أجدادنا

و لسة سامع صوت الميدان  بييجلجل من تاني
و الله عليك يا ميدان يا ماسح أحزاني

Friday, February 4, 2011

هاياخدوا الكرسي يا بابا: سيناريو سيتكوم جديد من داخل قصر الرياسة

هاياخدوا الكرسي يا بابا: سيناريو سيتكوم جديد من داخل قصر الرياسة

(يوم 24 يناير بليل داخل قصر الرياسة, احمد نظيف و شوية وزره قعدين بيلعبوا استيماشن مع الريس)

حسني: هنعمل ايه يا نظيف في شوية العيال بتوع 25 يناير
نظيف: متشغلش بالك يا ريس دول شوية هتفات و هيروحوا لحلهم , و لو مروحوش احنا هنعرف نسكتهم!
(ضحكات شريره متقطعة داخل القصر)

  بدئ يوم 25 و بدئت المظاهرات السلميه و الشعب لا يريد الرحيل

(يوم 26 الصبح الريس في اجتماع مجلس الوزارة, و يقتحم جمال المجلس في غاية الانفعال )

جمال: الحق يا بابا هايخدوا الكرسي, لازم تعمل حاجة
حسني: اهدا يا جمال يا ابني, مش انل الي يتاخد منو حاجة(هةهةهةهة)
انس: طيب ازيع حاجه يا ريس؟
حسني: لا اوعه انا هتصرف, حبيب انزل بشوية من رجلتك و خلي الضرب علي خفيف

(مشي يوم 26 و 27 و الريس عرف من حبيب انهم نوين علي جمعة الغضب)

حسني: بص يا حبيب انا مش فاضي للكلام الفارغ ده, اتصرف معاهم
حبيب: متحملش هم يا ريس دول شوية عيال تفه و انا هسكتهملك
حسني: نظيف كلم طارق كامل خلي يقطع عنهم النت ده, ام النت و النتييت و الى بيتنتتو علية...و خلي يقطع الموبيلات بالمره.

(بدئ يوم 28 الملئ بالعنف من رجال الشرطة و معرفوش يسيطروا علي المتظاهرين)

(الريس امر باجتماع وزري مفاجئ)

انس:  يا ريس لازم ازيع حاجه شكلنا بقى وحش قوي و القنوات الخرجية عمله تغطية شملة, كدا الاعلام المصري هيفقد مصدقيتة!!!!
حسني: ماشي بس انا بحظرك اوعي تزيع كل حاجة
انس: عيب يا ريس احنا تلاميزاك
حسني: ها يا حبيب ايه الاخبار عندك؟
حبيب: تحت السيطرة يا ريس, انا كلمت صفوت و عز عشان ينزلوا البلطجية بتوعنا, و لو منفعش السجون مليانة

(ضحكات شريره متقطعة داخل المجلس)

حسني: علي خيرت اللة, عشان يعرفوا ان وجودي حميهوم!!!

(داخل قصر الرياسة, سوزي و حسني بيكلوا كاجو و فزدق, و دخل غليهم نظيف متوتر)

نظيف: الحق با ريس, سحبنا الشرطة و نزلنا البلطجية, و مهديوش, دول عملوا لجان شعبية عشان يحموا نفسهم!!!
سوزي:  لازم تسكتهم يا حسني قلهم خطاب ولا حاجة
حسني: كلم انس و قلوا يجهز الدنيا انا هخطب علي الساعة 12
سوزي: خد بالك يا حسني
حسني: حاضر
سوزي: اوعي تتنازل عن الكرسي
حسني: حاضر
سوزي: دا مستقبل الواد جمال يا حسني
حسني: حاضر

(حاول الريس يهدي الدنيا و قال انو هيغير الحكومة, و بردو الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام, عين نائب و غير الوزارة, و لسة الشعب عيزوا يمشي)

(داخل مقر الحزب الوطني)

حسني: طيب و بعدين, اعمل اية يا صفوت
صفوت: بص يا ريس انت تقول انك مش هترشح نفسك و تقول كام كلمة عاطفية عشان تقصر علي الشعب
حسني:  و اجيب الكلام العاطفي منين و بعدين انا لازم ارشح نفسي و مش همشي
صفوت: يا ريس متقلقش, هنطلع مظاهرات تدافع علي وجودك, و بعدين الكلام العاطفي موجود, هاجبلك تامر حسني يكتبوا
حسني: طب و بعدين؟
صفوت: سيب الباقي عليه يا ريس
حسني: لا لازم اعرف هتعمل ايه لحسن يتقال علية طرطور
صفوت: احنا هنزل مظاهرات مؤيدة بعد الخطاب, و نخلي الاعلام مليان بناس بتتكلم تدافع عنك, و بعدين نوهم الناس ان في اجندات خارجية مسيطرة علي الشباب, و لو مخافوش ندخل الاخوان المسلمين في اليلة
حسني: طيب و الناس الي في التحرير؟
صفوت: دول نبعتلوهم شوية بلطجية الصبح, و بعدين متنساش, الاعلام هيخليهم يفقدوا طعاطف الناس و هيتكسروا...احنا نوهمهم بحرية و تغير و نخلي الوزرة الجداد يتكلموا في التلفزيون....و لما كل دا يخلص احنا هنعلق الناس الي في التحرير
حسني: انا كدا هوريهم الدكتاتوريه علي حق...مبقاش انا لو مرجعتهومش 30 سنة لورة
صفوت: كده هنخلي اي حد يفكر في التغير يحرم!

(ضحكات شريره متقطعة داخل مقر الحزب)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

على اسم مصر

على اسم مصر التاريخ يقدر يقول ما شاء

أنا مصر عندي أحب وأجمل الأشياء

باحبها وهي مالكه الأرض شرق وغرب

وباحبها وهي مرميه جريحة حرب

باحبها بعنف وبرقة وعلى استحياء

واكرهها وألعن أبوها بعشق زي الداء

واسيبها واطفش في درب وتبقى هي ف درب

وتلتفت تلقيني جنبها في الكرب

والنبض ينفض عروقي بألف نغمة وضرب

على اسم مصر

النسيم في الليالي وبياعين الفل

ومرايه بهتانة ع القهوة .. أزورها .. واطل

القى النديم طل من مطرح منا طليت

والقاها برواز معلق عندنا في البيت

فيه القمر مصطفى كامل حبيب الكل

المصري باشا بشواربه اللي ما عرفوا الذل

ومصر فوق في الفراندة واسمها جولييت

ولما جيت بعد روميو بربع قرن بكيت

ومسحت دموعي في كمي ومن ساعتها وعيت


مصر السما الفزدقي وعصافير معدية

والقلة مملية ع الشباك .. مندية

والجد قاعد مربع يقرا في الجرنال

الكاتب المصري ذاته مندمج في مقال

ومصر قدامه اكتر كلمة مقرية

قريتها من قبل ما اكتب اسمي بإيديا

ورسمتها في الخيال على أبدع الأشكال

ونزلت أيام صبايا طفت كل مجال

زي المنادي وفؤادي يرتجف بجلال


مصر .. التلات أحرف الساكنة اللي شاحنة ضجيج

زوم الهوا وطقش موج البحر لما يهيج

وعجيج حوافر خيول بتجر زغروطة

حزمة نغم صعب داخلة مسامعي مقروطة

في مسامي مضغوطه مع دمي لها تعاريج

ترع وقنوات سقت من جسمي كل نسيج

وجميع خيوط النسيج على نبرة مربوطة

اسمعها مهموسة والا اسمعها مشخوطه

شبكة رادار قلبي جوه ضلوعي مضبوطة

على اسم مصر

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

كنتوا فين لما هرب الأمان من البيوت، كنتوا فين لما بابك يا بلدي عشش عليه العنكبوت.

 كنتوا فين لما هرب الأمان من البيوت،
كنتوا فين لما بابك يا بلدي عشش عليه العنكبوت.

كنتو فين لما الخوف ملا الشوارع،
كنت فين يا دفعة ؟ كنت في مشوار و راجع

و هروبك يا مؤمن يا ترى كان بإيدك
ولا حفظ على النظام ، و طاعة لتعليمات سيدك

طلعت ضعيف و جبان
عايزنا نصدق إن سيدك  في أيده الأمان

لكن لا يا بلد شبابك رجالة
مش هانخاليي مكان للرعاع ولحوثالاه

و أه يا بلد معلهش سيد غير الله
و سيدك يا مؤمن عن طريقه تاه

لكن طول ما فينا روح المقومة و طول ما نورك يا بلدي طالع
نراك يا ظالم هتفضل أيدا و هانبعد عنا  المواجع

و هنصقت النظام و هنرجع الأمان
و طول يا بلدي مانتي خايفة شعبك عمره ما هاينام

Crushing Egypt’s’ Rejuvenation

“I cannot teach you violence, as I do not myself believe in it. I can only teach you not to bow your heads before any one even at the cost of your life.”~ Ghandi

After nine days of struggle and hard work, we as Egyptians achieved victory yet still not the maximum victory we were seeking, and it even might be a temporary victory and an act of fraud from the Egyptian regime. During the struggles we faced in the Egyptian “Intifada” we have learned a lot and we have gained a lot as a nation. Before going into deep analysis of the situation and mentioning its pros and cons I would like to reveal on the string of events that took place from Tuesday the 25th of Jan till Tuesday the 1st of Feb.

The first day of the protests which was on the 25th of Jan, was a completely peaceful demonstration from few Egyptians, it was motivating and anti-destruction its aim was to ask for our rights as Egyptians and the right of the nation. The same events took place on the 26th and 27th of Jan, and still the world was peaceful despite some attempts of violence from the police on the protesters and vice-versa. During the first three days of the protests the daily life of Egyptians wasn’t affected at all, people used to go to work and come back and some still go out with friends. On the night of the third day the preparation for the “Rage Friday” started and the aim of that day was to “Bring down the Egyptian Regime”. The ghost of communications and the internet caused a huge threat to the government therefore the have cutoff all internet and mobile services for that day. Still that didn’t prevent people from protesting peacefully and cutting off communication tools provoked many Egyptians and that caused an increase in the protestor’s number.

The 28th of Jan was an historical day, and still a day full of maximum violence as the Egyptian police deliberately killed peaceful protestors, whether by live bullets or by the police cars. That act caused more and more rage among the Egyptians. Everyone was sympathizing with the protestors and everyone was with the demonstration and its ultimate fight for a huge cause. Late at that night the Egyptian president made a speech about reforming the government but still that wasn’t enough for the Egyptians because that was not what they want, so the protest was still active and it demanded to be active for the next day despite the order of the curfew. Moving to the 29th of Jan which was a day full of fear and threat to every Egyptian, Mobiles were back on but internet was still off. During that day criminals and gangsters covered Egypt, they caused threat in the streets and in our homes, the country was not a safe place anymore, and with all of that there was no clear sign of the police. The suspicious disappearing of the police around the existing of these criminals frightened the safety of Egypt, the Egyptian army didn’t leave the Egyptian at that critical point and it tried to keep them safe, but still it wasn’t enough. Men and women from all ages went to down the streets with weapons to protect their countries and their homes from the criminals.

While on the scene of the demonstration everyone was still protesting and the Army was keeping the protestors safe. It was announced than that the president have hired “Omar Soliman” head of Egyptian intelligence as his vice-president, and Ahmed Shafiq as the prime minster. Still it was not enough and people asked for more, they asked for Mubarak to leave and they asked for a reform in the constitution and in the parliament. During the 30th and the 31st of Jan still the country wasn’t safe and still people were protecting their streets and their homes but the police made an appearance and still no sign of the internet. The stock market was closed and banks were closed and the curfew moved from 4 PM to 3 PM, the life of every Egyptian was on hold, but that was the price of liberty. The Economy went down and the tourism went down, and each country sent flights to their citizens to evacuate them. Also the new government of ministries was formed but still some names didn’t change.

On the victorious first day of February the president made a speech claiming that he will reform to articles from the constitution and that he will reform the parliament and that he will not elect him self in the upcoming elections on September, and that was still not enough, the crowd demanded for him to go. At the same time protest took place that was pro Mubarak and didn’t want him to leave, that was quite suspicious! Now people at El Tahrir Square are split into half, some are satisfied for the time being and others are still demanding that he has to leave. Until the massive destruction took place, the pro Mubarak protest that is most likely to be created by the government crushed the wonderful symphony that have been created and caused nothing but chaos and destruction.

During the “Intifada” we gained lots of things but still we lost a lot! Now we have our dignity back, our voice and our right. Youth are now empowered, and we know that we can do a lot. We also have discovered that we can protect ourselves from any harm and we can pass any struggles. About 80% of our demands have been achieved and its time for us to have some patience, and give space for the changes to take place, and if not, the Tharir square is still there and we are still alive (hopefully). We don’t want to destroy the country nor our economy, I know that we can reform the nation and the economy and we can make them prosper again but we just have to be a bit patient. Let’s not cause for the demonstration to loose the sympathy of the people who are at home. That was what I wanted to say right before I saw what happened today, the though of not trusting the government was proven true after I tried as much as I can to give them a chance.

Mubarak never resembled the figure of the father to me, and I never ever wanted him in power, he and his regime made lots of unforgivable mistakes and I know that we have no trust what so ever for the government, and the decisions that he took might be temporary just to please us but still lets have some patience, but they didn’t give us a chance to be patient. “When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it--always.”~ Ghandi

Mubarak is asking to open gates of conversation between the government and the nation and he and the government are mad because we didn’t accept that invitation, but it is just too late for conversation because they have never gave us that opportunity. This opportunity just took place out of his fear. Mubarak doesn’t want to stop the blood shed, his regime didn’t stop killing the protesters at El Tahrir, if he really wanted another chance and a another opportunity he shouldn’t have crushed the spirit the people have created. El Tahrir Square is nothing but a mess today; unlike yesterday the people were cleaning the streets and protesting peacefully. It’s just not the time to have some morality and humanity that we haven’t been treated by in that country.

Cutting of the internet provoked Egyptians and revealed the threat that youth cause to the Egyptian regime, and that caused people to increase in the protest as well as the curfew. They tried to cutoff AlJazeera so the truth wont reach Egyptians and that was stupid, they were pressured and that gave them a chance to make mistakes, lets just wait in silence and observe the situation critically. . “In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and difficult quest after Truth.”~ Ghandi

They provoked us, blackmailed and threatened us by deliberately depriving us from safety and pulling away the police so we can learn that we wont be safe without them, but we proved them wrong, we managed to protect ourselves and to communicate and to form the million man march, and have a loud and clear voice. As much as I want patience and I want us to wait and stop the blood shed, I just cant stand what I am seeing in Tahrir now, if he was a person that wanted to give himself and us a new chance he wouldn’t have sent people to kill today. If he wanted a chance to talk he would have given us that chance from the first day, rather than killing hundreds on Friday the 28th of Jan.

I am just so confused about what should be done I want the best for Egypt and its people, I want to raise the economy again and I want people to feel safe, but still if we held our voices now we can never make a move. Especially after the last attempt of violence that took place today! If he cares about the country as every body says, why the hell did he send people to kill and cause chaos today? If he loves his people he should just step down, and Mr. President I wanted you to leave the country gracefully with your dignity and self respect and with our respect to you and to your achievements but you gave us no choice and no space, you crushed our dreams and crushed the wonderful spirits that have been created during the “Intifada”, if you just love the country and love the people even a little please just step down, I am not asking you to leave the country if you don’t want to, but just step down now for the sake of Egypt!